Love teaching? TutorCandy students need great tutors like you.

TutorCandy is a platform for live online classes for K-12 students for subjects Math, Languages, Music, Chess and Art. Join TutorCandy and start earning by what you love to do from the comfort of your home.

Online Tutors

Tutors at TutorCandy

Get paid well

Hourly rate or revenue sharing options are available.

Work from Home

Work from the comfort of your home. You decide the class schedule. Online classes only. A limited number of students in a class.

Do what they love - teaching

Tutors only focus on teaching. We take care of marketing for your class, payment processing, collection, admission, and enrollment, customer support, class set up & technical support.

Be a part of the exclusive club​

At TutorCandy, you will not be one among the thousands of tutors competing against each other. We only intake a limited number of tutors and avoid competition among tutors and class schedules.

Let's Talk

Tutors Love TutorCandy

Vijay K
Tutor - Coding for Kids

Happy to join TutorCandy

I have been teaching my Coding for Kids classes on TutorCandy and I enjoy it a lot. TutorCandy takes care of all the marketing and admin work for running the class. I only focus on teaching the kids.